Dr. Brett J. Novick
Empowering Minds, Inspiring Souls

Educational Books

The Angry Child
Crappy to Happy
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"Brett Novick's vast experiences and professional interactions as an educator, counselor and social worker have been synthesized in Parents and Teachers Working Together. This book will not offer you canned or instant solutions; rather, it provides thoughtful and reflective recommendations that are practical and research-based. It is a book that every teacher, specialist, and administrator, whether beginning, mid-career or experienced, should have as a ready reference. It is clearly a "best practices" work from a distinguished educator and author."
Dr. Jeffrey Graber,
Associate Director, Educational Leadership Programs, New Jersey Principal and Supervisor Association/Foundation for Educational Administration
"Practical approaches to addressing the issue, both in the classroom and at home, include incorporating routines and choices, teaching responsibility while allowing for mistakes, and emphasizing problem-solving and forgiveness. VERDICT At just 100-plus pages, this breezy but impactful read provides concrete ideas for teaching children healthy ways to deal with anger."
Library Journal

"A visual story telling treat to help children replace scary, negative thoughts with positive ones!”
Charles Schaefer, Ph.D.RPT-S,
Co-Founder, The Association for Play Therapy